Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jesus Wants Universal Healthcare

Last night over 140,000 people from all kinds of religious persuasions joined in phone call with President Obama and many clergy and lay people from all over the country. These folks came from all walks of life, from all over the political spectrum, to express their concerns that a health care plan must be developed that provides coverage for all of God's children.

We heard from people like Rev. Heyward Wiggins, who had a parishioner in his congregation die, because he couldn't afford blood tests that would have detected his cancer in time to treat it, and many others with similarly heartbreaking stories.

President Obama and his Domestic Policy Director Melody Barnes spoke directly to the issues that people of faith care about most, and addressed the moral dimensions of the health care debate.

Over the next 40 days, people of faith are leading a national campaign for health care reform. While members of Congress are in their home districts, we’ll be holding hundreds of prayer vigils and in-district events. We’ll sign petitions, write our representatives, organize a nationwide conference call for people of faith, and air a national TV ad –all to say the faith community supports health care reform.

40 Days for Health Reform is an effort from the faith community to make clear to Congress that quality, affordable health care for every American family is a moral priority for millions of people of faith.

Health care reform is far too important of an issue to let special interests hijack the debate with disruptions and distractions. 40 Days for Health Reform is moving the debate forward with a nationwide TV ad featuring local clergy and lay leaders supporting reform, prayer rallies and in-district meetings reaching over 100 Members of Congress, and a call-in webcast featuring President Obama and diverse faith leaders.

Join the call, take the pledge, sign the petition:

1 comment:

  1. Today's Media logic states: "Jesus wants universal health-care!"... The flaw is this: If Jesus wanted Government sponsored Universal Health-Care... Then Jesus wanted Communism... The perfect form of Government sponsored Health-care! Let's hear from the Media on this one?????? Jesus did say In Matt 26:11 & Mark 14:7 "The poor will always be with you.... And Apostle Paul wrote 2Thess 3:10 "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."... President Obama said on Numerous occasions (Jobs for those who WANT them) Not JOBS FOR EVERYONE!!!!

    President Obama wasted the perfect storm on BIG GOVERNMENT (Socialized) Health=care... INSTEAD of (LESS GOVERNMENT)And massive Job creation through TAX INCENTIVES FOR AMERICA"S PRIVATE SECTOR!!!!
    Yeah right! Jesus was for Communistic Universal Health-care. That logic would have us to believe that Jesus came to heal all the physical sickness in the world!
    Instead we have twisted logic, that hasn't a clue, and does not know: That Jesus came to heal all the hearts of this world. But by the twisted logic of today "With the perfect BIG GOVERNMENT UNIVERSAL HEALTH_CARE or the next step: BIG WORLD UNIVERSAL HEALTH_CARE.... we wouldn't need JESUS at all! His work would be done here on earth..... Get REAL!
    Just sacrifice these financial burdens for future generations, create huge government that controls the US economy and eat cake every day!!!
