Every so often, I like to ask the question:
Have you ever wondered exactly why you should be in church on Sunday?
Of course, there are various reasons that people have given over the years, and scientific evidence even now supports many of them.
There are actually physical and mental health benefits for worshiping regularly.
Many recent studies have confirmed what most of us see on a regular basis:
folks that go to church every Sunday are healthier and live longer than those that don’t.
And, when they are ill, they tend to heal quicker and have an easier time of it than those that don’t.
We know that going to church every Sunday releases stress and tension and actually enhances coping skills needed for life in today’s world.
Other studies point out how going to church every Sunday provides needed guidance for living.
A recent study at Stanford concludes that “Children [simply] will not thrive ... unless they acquire a living sense of ... faith.”
The National Commission of Children concurs that
“For many children, religion is a major force in their moral development; for some it is the chief determinant of moral behavior.”
Others go to church regularly for inspiration – to keep in touch with the holy. They find that it cultivates the soul and enhances our ability to recognize the holy when we encounter it.
Many who go to church every Sunday find strength and support for facing and living through the difficult situations life throws at us.
Others come for forgiveness or guidance for making difficult decisions.
It may surprise you to hear that Jesus never said:
Thou shalt go to church every Sunday!
He didn’t say it.
In fact, it wasn’t until after his death and resurrection that his followers began to gather every Sunday to celebrate his resurrection and share stories of their encounters with the risen Lord.
It was a celebrative occasion and folks came much as you might go to a family celebration – not out of a sense of duty or obligation but because you want to be a part of it and wouldn’t miss it for the world.
But, the very most important main reason you should be in church Sunday is what your presence does for the others present.
When you are not there, everyone in the room knows it.
Since negativity breeds negativity, the thinking goes,
“if church us not that important to them, maybe I can get along without it too.”
When you are in church, others get a sense of how important it is to you,
and they begin to feel it, too.
A visitor takes a look around the room and sees you.
Your presence is a witness to them.
(It matters not how you are dressed.
It matters not how prepared you are.
It matters not what you may have done the night before.
It matters that you are here!)
Simply put, your presence in Church gives a message others need to see and hear.
Your presence in church actually provides inspiration to others.
So, do something important this Sunday, come to church.
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